Natural Gray Felt Laminate Decor | Formica® Patterns Collection

Natural Gray Felt: Combining Comfort and Durability

Known as one of the world’s oldest fabrics, felt has remained current in the fast-changing design world with its welcoming aesthetic and soft texture. Inspired by real felt, Formica Group has created a visually authentic and durable laminate option: F4971 Natural Gray Felt.

Natural Gray Felt 920x600

To create this unique laminate decor, our design team inspected a series of felt sheets to identify natural-looking felt patterns, including imperfections. Once an ideal sample was selected, the felt sheet was digitised using a high-definition scanner and proprietary reproduction techniques.

Natural Gray Felt from the new Textile series allows for soft and tactile material looks to be added into highly used commercial spaces. This design approach brings elements reminiscent of the comfort of home into commercial environments, resulting in a calmer and cosier look, ideal for office spaces and hospitality sectors where the desire for comfort and practicality is key.

Where felt textiles are typically limited in use to soft furnishings and acoustic type panels, durable Natural Gray Felt laminate, allows for the felt visual to be extended across high traffic areas such as wall cladding, partitions, furniture, seating and tabletops.

Combined with our new Paper texture, Natural Gray Felt design is enhanced with a distinct almost fluffy tactility, just as you would expect from the material itself.

Order your free sample today and explore the transformative potential of the F4971 Natural Gray Felt decor for your next design project.

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